Thursday 4 November 2010

Little Kindness

I went to the library just a few minutes ago to return some books I have borrowed for ages. Going to the library is not one normal routine I'd do. My schools consists of a lot of stairs and elevators, but I prefer to use the long-steeped stairs to promote a healthy lifestyle. Nahhh....not really, it's been 4 days since I haven't moved a muscle, that's why I needed get a bit of exercise. As I gave back the books, I asked the librarian to assist me on using the school's e-library because I needed to get specific resources for my thesis writing. She then told me that I have to go up to the next floor which directs me to the Reference Department. I went and asked another librarian and she just really amused me. She was like an angel sent by God almighty. She was very informative and generously kind to help me. I felt like I've taken up a pill to cleanse my body. She was all the help I could get but still she wasn't satisfied of what she has done for me and gave me her phone number just in case I'd still have some difficulties or querries later on. It's been a long time since I haven't gotten that kind of service here in Korea. For quite some time, the world has been unkind to me but I was very patient for this day to come.

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